Thursday, 4 December 2014

Why websites designed in Flash are worthless?

Not that long ago a web page written in flash was very common on the Internet. But nowadays, in the age of complicated SEO services and page rankings it is not a very good idea. Flash is literally obsolete and doesn’t conform to the newest rules of Search Engines. Why is that?

1.       Flash websites are saved in one file which cannot be thoroughly analyzed by Google.
2.       Furthermore, a Flash website is indexed by Google based mostly on images, while text is sometimes not readable by Google bots.
3.       Subpages are often indexed on the same address as the home page, which is not well received by Search Engines.
4.       Links in Flash menus are hard to follow for robots.
5.       Many internet users use browser plugins which block Flash content, which of course means that its content is not viewable.
6.       Too much Flash animations make the page less comprehensible.
7.       Flash intros make it difficult to check the page’s content – user wants to get a certain information quickly and additional operations needed to read it are considered a bad design.
8.       Flash websites are larger than normal ones, which in turn means they load longer.

9.       Flash pages are hard to optimize (sometimes it is even impossible). As such, if you wish to perform a page optimization, Flash design might be a burden.